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Your Legal Rights and Privacy & Confidentiality Protections

BELA Recovery  is committed to protecting your health information according to applicable law. Protected health information (“PHI”) is information about you, including demographic information, that may identify you and that relates to your past, present or future physical or mental health or condition; the provision of healthcare services; or the past, present, or future payment for the provision of healthcare services to you.


We are required by law to maintain the privacy of your PHI; provide you with notice of our legal duties and privacy practices with respect to your PHI; and to notify you following a breach of unsecured PHI related to you. We are required to abide by the terms of this Notice of Our Privacy Practices.

In addition to the above, we have a duty to respond to your requests (e.g. those corresponding to your rights) in a timely and appropriate manner. We support and value your right to privacy and are committed to maintaining reasonable and appropriate safeguards for your PHI.

The confidentiality of alcohol and drug abuse patient records maintained by us is protected by Federal law and regulations. Violation of the Federal law and regulations by the treatment center is a crime. Suspected violations may be reported to appropriate authorities in accordance with Federal regulations.

BELA Recovery is committed to honoring your protected client rights:

Client Rights

  1. You have the right to consider it and respectful treatment.

  2. You have the right not to be denied access to services on the basis of race, religion, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, or HIV status.

  3. You have the right to have services provided in the least restrictive environment possible.

  4. You have the right to confidentiality of HIV / AIDS status and testing and anonymous testing in as specified in the aids confidential reality act the ADIS confidentiality and testing code.

  5. You have the right to nondiscriminatory access to services as specified in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

  6. You have a right to give or withhold informed consent regarding treatment and regarding confidential information about yourself.

  7. You have the right to be informed of the route of appeal available on a disagreement exists with the BELA Recovery decision or policy. Please talk to your counselor first to resolve any issues and then you can call the division of alcohol and substance abuse of the state of Illinois. Their number is 312 – 814 – 3840.

  8. You have the right to have any information regarding your identification and participation and treatment kept confidential in accordance with all state and federal laws.

  9. You have the right to refuse treatment or any specific treatment procedure and a right to be informed of the consequences resulting from such refusal.

  10. You have the right to be actively involved in formation of your treatment plan.

  11. You have the right to obtain information your current treatment including rationale for current treatment approaches or procedures.

  12. You have the right to every consideration of privacy and respect for individuality relating to your social come or religious and psychological well-being. Case discussions and consultations are conducted to ensure you’re receiving optimal treatment. All information shall remain confidential. For information regarding your treatment are honored only with your written consent.

  13. You have the right to expect that a specific time will be set aside for treatment via appointments. An appointment time is to be canceled by the agency, every attempt is made to notify you as soon as possible.

  14. You have the right to expect a reasonable consideration of your request.

  15. Call BELA Director Deborah Lynch at 708-620-6910 with any questions, concerns or complaints.

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